Toni López Segura

Web Developer

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Here you can find all my development projects by check out next sections.

My Skills

My Projects

Giffy - React

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A giffy page clone for learning purposes.

Contact Manager - React

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Simple Contact Manager App.

To Do - React

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Simple To Do App.

Guides - Static

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Documentation guides.

Beer Products - Static

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Beer Products page.

Clock - Static

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Simple clock made using html, javascript, and css.

Doom Game - Static

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Doom game scene for testing purposes.

Make Pairs Game - Static

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Make pairs game.

Snake Game - Static

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Snake game made using html, javascript, and css.

Tetris Game - Static

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Tetris game made using html, javascript, and css.

Casio Calculator - Static

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Casio calculator made using html, javascript, and css.

Calendar - Static

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Calendar made using html, javascript, and css.